Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Opportunities for littles, tweens, & teens!

Sunday school meets every Sunday from September through May, we offer a summer program for Pre-K through 2nd graders for June, July, and August.

Every child is warmly welcomed at Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church.  We invite all children to visit and become a part of our church family.  If your children are not baptized or confirmed and you would like them to be, please contact us. Our Sunday school teachers and assistants follow the Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church’s “Safe Sanctuary Policy” that includes a background check on all volunteers.

All Nursery Infants and Toddlers can be dropped off at 9:45 prior to the morning worship service and picked immediately following the service.  The rooms are located inside the portico entrance.  Changing tables are also available in both the ladies and men’s restroom.

Preschool through High School children and their families are invited into the sanctuary to hear the beginning of the service and listen to the “Special time with young disciples.”  The children are then dismissed to their classrooms.  Our “Safe Sanctuary Policy” requires that all children 2nd grade and lower must be picked up by a parent after the morning worship service.  Classrooms are located in the Education wing at the back of the fellowship hall.

Youth Group: G-Force, 6-12 grade “God’s Force” meets several times a month for Bible study, games, food, and fellowship.  We help at the local food bank in the summer and hold fund raisers to help with mission work in the area.  Some of the fellowship events include ice skating, roller skating, bowling, and going to the aquarium and NC Zoo in Asheboro.  We have several camps in the summer time available for the youth to attend.  Join the official SFPC Facebook Group at  This is a closed group for members of SFPC, G-Force and their families. 

Sunday School Choir (K-12 Grade) The Sunday school choir meets to practice as a group before class begins each week, they learn a new song every month, and share their music with the congregation periodically during the morning worship service.

VBS: is offered the first week of August, Tuesday through Friday with VBS recognition on Sunday.  It is open for Rising Kindergarten through 5th grade.  Seating is limited, so early registration is required.

Summer Camping Programs: available for all youth. Live, play, learn, and make new friends in a Christian environment are experiences children remember for the rest of their lives.  Mission trips for older youth are available and are life changing experiences.

Check out all the Christian Education ministries here