Christian Education Ministry
Places for children, teens, and adults to grow in their spiritual journeys
The Christian Education Ministry is a busy group! From infants to adults, they ensure everyone has a place that's right for them here in our church. There are plenty of volunteer opportunities to help lead groups of many ages for Sunday School classes, youth group, Sunday School choir, and Bible studies.
Director of Christian Education Belinda Vaughn
Ministry Chairs: Cedric Dendy & Amanda Pavlik
Sunday school meets every Sunday from September through May, we offer a summer program for Pre-K through 2nd graders for June, July, and August.
Every child is warmly welcomed at Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church. We invite all children to visit and become a part of our church family. If your children are not baptized or confirmed and you would like them to be, please contact us. Our Sunday school teachers and assistants follow the Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church’s “Safe Sanctuary Policy” that includes a background check on all volunteers.
All Nursery Infants and Toddlers can be dropped off at 9:45 prior to the morning worship service and picked up immediately following the service. The rooms are located inside the portico entrance. Changing tables are also available in both the ladies’ and men’s restrooms. The Infant/Toddler room is for children through 3 years of age. Jenna Leyndyke is the attendant, along with an adult volunteer every week. Pagers are available.
Preschool through High School All children and youth go to the sanctuary and are dismissed for Sunday School after the Time for Young Disciples. Our “Safe Sanctuary Policy” requires that all children 2nd grade and lower must be picked up by a parent after the morning worship service. Classrooms are located in the Education wing at the back of the fellowship hall.
The Toddler Class is for children 19 months through 4 years of age. Our hired attendant is Jennifer LaBalle. Adult volunteers assist her each week. Pagers are also available.
Preschool ages 4-5 and Kindergarten “Son Shine Saints” located in the orange room, children are introduced to Old and New Testament stories. They also work weekly on memorization of Bible verses.
Grades 1-2, “Blue Angels” located in the blue room, children will discover how Faith grows with Biblical based stories, crafts, music, Bible verse, and prayer memorization are all included.
Grades 3-4 “God’s Seekers,” located in the red room. Children learn how to use the Bible by learning where the books are and how to locate chapters and verses.
Grades 5-8 “Faith Finders” located in the teal room just inside the portico entrance, youth will begin to discover how the Bible can be used in their lives as they face uncertain situations such as peer pressure, bullying, and everyday trials that the youth might encounter. They meet for class on the 2nd , 3rd , and 4th Sundays of the month. This class stays in the sanctuary for the worship service on the 1st Sunday of the month.
Grades 9-12 Teens located in the purple room. This year we will base our journey and walk on what God expects of us and how it relates to the beginning and end of time. We start with the Tree of Life in Genesis and reflect on how the Tree of Life will be standing in Revelation. This concept is outlined as living between two trees. As we travel through time with the Bible the students are encouraged to bring their smartphones and answer questions by searching the web.
Youth Group:
G-Force, 6-12 grade “God’s Force” meets several times a month for Bible study, games, food, and fellowship. We help at the local food bank in the summer and hold fundraisers to help with mission work in the area. Some of the fellowship events include ice skating, roller skating, bowling, and going to the aquarium and NC Zoo in Asheboro. We have several camps in the summer time available for the youth to attend.
Young Adults class, meets Sunday mornings at 8:45 AM. Some of their studies include material from Max Lucado, they also study individual books of the bible and have discussions on what it means for todays times and how to live a more Christ centered life. Child care is provided.
Adults 45 & up, meets Sunday mornings at 8:30 AM. They get to the heart of the bible and what it means to be more like Christ. Discussion is encouraged and valued as we go through various studies of God’s word.
Yearly Events
Presbyterian 101 Class: Presbyterian 101 Class taught several times yearly. This class gives you an understanding of what it means to be a Presbyterian and the history of how the church came to exist.
Confirmation Classes: taught Easter through Pentecost. Classes are provided for 6 th grade and up. History, government, worship, sacraments, missions, and Christian life are covered in these valuable classes that set the foundation of a personal relationship with Christ.
Vacation Bible School (VBS): is offered in July/August.
Summer Camping Programs: available for all youth. Live, play, learn, and make new friends in a Christian environment are experiences children remember for the rest of their lives. Mission trips for older youth are available and are life changing experiences.