Fellowship Ministry

The fellowship ministry is behind all the fun and friendship at sfpc! 

They coordinate the ever important food, coffee, and kitchen clean up angels for our after worship fellowship time. They also tend to our New Member Bulletin Board and the bulletin board for sign-ups and ministry opportunities, handle the church directory, and help coordinate the Supper with Friends schedule!  Additionally, they plan all the events:

  • Men's Breakfast

  • Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper

  • Women’s Valentines Breakfast

  • Annual Thanksgiving Pot Luck Dinner to honor local EMS and Fire Departments

  • Annual Laity Sunday BBQ

  • Ongoing events such as the Chili Cook off, Ice Cream Social, BINGO, and more!

The Fellowship Ministry is co-chaired by Aaron Spencer and Lezley Dellinger. If you'd like more information or would like to join this ministry team, please contact us and either Lezley or Aaron will reach out to you very soon!